主题:Recording History in Web3 ft. HistoryDAO


Guest Sky Harris Co-Founder of HistoryDAO

时间:25rd Aug 18:00 (UTC+8)


Q&A 环节

Lucky:  Welcome to LuckyDAO and this edition of AMA!   I'm Lucky, the host of this event,        LuckyDAO is a Gamefi full-cycle service platform that integrates project investment, project incubation and brand promotion. Dedicated to helping projects develop quickly, it provides comprehensive support to partner projects in terms of funding, offline marketing, brand operation, technology and compliance.        Our guest for this event is Sky Harris from HistoryDAO   Please introduce yourself and HistoryDAOtks!

Sky Harris : a. Hi everyone! I’m Sky Harris, co-founder at HistoryDAO. I’ve previously worked on a lending protocol, a DEX-builder, a Web3 OS, and a fiat-crypto payment solution. I come from a Web2 tech marketing background at ByteDance and Lenovo, and I’m thrilled to introduce HistoryDAO today.

b. HistoryDAO is where the world records history in Web3. The world comes together on the HistoryDAO platform to mint historic and current events immutably on the blockchain to be preserved as HistoryNFTs. The decentralization and democratization of history now lies in our hands with blockchain and NFT technology, governed by we, the DAO, the people. i. Write, record, analyze, adjudicate, and mint our world as it unfolds across the globe every day with HistoryDAO and HistoryNFTs.


Lucky In the previous question, you mentioned that HistoryDAO is the place where the Web3 world records history, which sounds very interesting. Can you elaborate on the original intention and concept of HistoryDAO?

Sky Harris :a. You bet. As historians, we have countless examples of history being written unfairly and untruly by the victors. Millions of documents, artifacts, and precious pieces of history have been lost over our millennia of human existence.

b. HistoryDAO brings the power back into the hands of the people to truly and immutably record history. We saw that current business trends in journalism are click-bait business models that are only meant to get their customer’s attention and are often inflammatory. We want to change the way that history is recorded in Web3.


Lucky What is the current status and future development plan of HistoryDAO?

Sky Harris :a. Visit the HistoryDAO platform at historydao.io today to mint your HistoryNFTs. You can also create an NFT Series to track major current events as they unfold, and mint individual moments for others to buy and collect as HistoryNFTs.

b. Current events, sports, art, music, literature, space exploration, politics- these are all categories which make excellent HistoryNFTs.

c. We’ll be soon launching the HIST token, which users can stake to participate in DAO governance, as well as community voting which ensures the quality of HistoryNFTs, as well as promotes the best NFTs to the forefront of the platform.


Lucky Is there any difference between the Initial NFT Offering (INO) pioneered by HistoryDAO and ICO and IEO?

Sky Harris :a. They’re pretty different in that ICOs and IEOs focus on token sales, while our INO focuses on NFT sales. Both are forms of crowdfunding/fundraising, so work somewhat similarly fundamentally.

b. But crucially, an INO can be launched and participated in by anybody. We really want to imbue these ideas of democratization and decentralization. And we do that here with INOs as well.



Lucky  Compared with other NFT projects, what are the advantages of HistoryDAO?

Sky Harris :a. With HistoryDAO, users generate the content. The success of the platform is the success of its community. Decentralized, democratized, by the people and for the people. Most NFTs are projects launched by a platform/company, and marketed towards its userbase who purchases the NFTs for collection purposes, utility purposes, early-access, etc. But with HistoryNFTs, users create the content, they determine which NFTs should succeed based on their merit and quality. That’s pretty unique.


Lucky  What are HistoryDAO’s current partners? What is the form of cooperation?

Sky Harris :a. We’ve partnered with Metabit to help scale our project and be a part of the development of current and future blockchains and all the applications that will be built on top of them.

b. We’ve also partnered with VoiceStreet, a natural partner for us, as the bring music to Web3 and the metaverse. There will be a lot of legendary moments in music worth minting as history NFTs.


Lucky How do you participate in HistoryDAO as a user?

Sky Harris: a. In lots of exciting ways! On HistoryDAO, users can mint any moment in current events or history as a History NFT. Use headlines, articles, images, and more to mint these moments.

b. You can also crowdfund your NFT collection through our INO feature, where you can create a series of History NFTs to track major events and issue them to other users.

c. Users will also be able to participate in DAO features such as project governance, community voting to promote and award excellent History NFTs, voting to remove inaccurate History NFTs, and more

d. We’ll also develop a platform marketplace for the trading of History NFTs


Lucky Can NFTs minted on HistoryDAO be traded?

Sky Harris:a. They can! They can be traded on any major 3rd party ETH NFT marketplace. We’ll also develop our own NFT marketplace on the HistoryDAO platform


Lucky Can you briefly introduce the economic model of HistoryDAO? Will HistoryDAO issue a token later? What will the features of the token be?

Sky Harris:a. We will be issuing the HIST token in the following few months which will allow users to participate in all of the awesome functions our DAO has to offer.

b. Through minting excellent History NFTs, users will be rewarded in regular award events to promote the best History NFTs. These NFTs will then be eligible for a series of awards throughout the weeks, months, and years to ensure their quality and continuously reward great creators on our platform.

c. History NFT Series will have a variety of features to rewards creators. Individual History NFTs in a History NFT Series will be listed and purchasable by other users, with more major events in a HistoryNFT Series likely to accrue more value. Think of the NBA Season for example, with regular games, playoffs, and the Finals all accruing different market prices and valuations.


Lucky What do you think of the current state of development in the NFT market?

Sky Harris:a. We believe that a new era of NFTs is upon us. User-generated, user-promoted, user-governed. This NFT 2.0 era will see a vast array of NFTs with different utilities that are imbued with meaning in different ways as compared to previous NFT projects. And the recording of history will be a key part of that.

Lucky Thank you to Sky Harris for being our guest on this edition of AMA,and keep an eye on @LuckyDAO_Office and @History_DAO! See you next time!


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